Algebra in a Box Complete (PreBeta)

From the best we can do from here, this course should provide a real support for most any normal “Algebra” course. There is also a course in tandem at myopenmath with practice work. Educators can request accounts and copy the course and adjust how they wish. It is the best LMS system because it was built for and by maths teachers. It’s free!

There is a plan here and it is to examine the core of elementary(don’t feel bad, this just means the basic before math gets weird) algebra which is linear functions and quadratics as they are generally presented.

The real scope of the course starts with points and lines in the plane along with algebraic manipulation. That follows into the historic process of Completing the Square because within that we can examine all of quadratics without much difficulty because it connects to everything. I will do my best to get standards marked now.

For those wanting direction on something in particular that they are working on, please, post it in the comments.

Assignment 1:

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